The Bones Project
The purpose and design of the bone project is supposed to highlight a material that would normally be discarded without second thought. Normally after an animal is slaughtered its bones are immediately deposed of. Since our society that is primarily a meat-eating oriented society, there are massive amounts of bones that could be readily available. A prime example of this is pig consumption in Germany. This year alone 60 Million pigs will be slaughtered for their meat, averaging about 114 pigs per minute or roughly 30,894 pigs bones per minute will be disposed of. The entire intent of this project was to unlock the possible hidden potential in bones as a workable material for the creation of other products or as tools.
Is there a useful way to use these animal bones that would normally just be discarded? How can we as designers reuse these animal bones? What methods and techniques would we have to adopt to work or manipulate these bones in a work of art or design?